Dr Clive Jones

High Performance Sport Psychologist / Counselling Psychologist


Select the tabs below to find out more about Clive

  • High Performance Psychology High Performance Psychology

    Elite Sporting Performance

    Clive has extensive experience in High-Performance Psychology, providing confidential mental health services for elite Olympic and world champion athletes, teams/squads, coaches, and their families across a broad range of sports.

    Clive brings extensive experience to the field of high-performance sport psychology. His insights help athletes improve their mental resilience and performance while empowering them to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

    Developed through his long-term (20+ years) experience in the field of sport and exercise psychology, Clive has contributed to national and international sporting magazines and scientific journals, researched the biopsychosocial variables of stress and burnout in elite athletic endeavours, and has written and taught as a university lecturer in sport and exercise psychology while presenting at conferences nationally and internationally on optimising mental health for peak performance.

    Clive has consulted across a broad range of athletes, teams, and squads across numerous sports at a national and international level. This includes, for example; AFL (Aussie Rules Football), Athletics (Track & Field), Circus Performance, Competitive Body Building, Cricket, Cycling (Track & Road), Dance (e.g., Ballet), Diving, Equestrian, Football (Soccer), Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Motorcross, Netball, NRL (National Rugby League), Rugby Union, Rowing, Sky Diving, Surf Ironmen & women, Swimming, Squash, Tennis, Triathlons & V8 Car Racing.

    He has maintained a long-term working relationship with the Queensland Academy of Sport (QAS) since 2006 working across numerous sports but also maintaining a more direct connection with the Gold Coast contingent of the Australian Dolphins Swimming Squad. 

    Whether on location at your sporting venue or business, at his Gold Coast Practice at Bundall, or via video call from anywhere in the world, Clive is available to assist in your high-performance endeavours.

    Clive's interest and experience in sport and exercise psychology stemmed from previous experience in both the sporting and fitness industries. For example, he played rugby league for twelve (12) years and rugby union for four (4) years at a local level and more seriously competed as a triathlete at state, national and international levels including the World Championship Triathlon (3km swim/120km bike/ 32km run) in Nice, France 'back in the day'. He has also coached numerous cyclists, swimmers and triathletes and has also been a health and fitness consultant and fitness centre manager.

    Complimenting his own sporting experience and training in sports psychology, Clive also has post-graduate training in exercise physiology, sports coaching and has picked up numerous coaching certificates along the way. 

    Clive understands the elite sporting community and the demands of elite-level commitment. He enjoys bringing out the best in others and ensures his skills and experience in psychology are applied directly to the pursuit of excellence and high-level sporting achievement.

    Clive is available for appointments either via video conference or face-to-face consultation both locally and internationally. Please feel free to contact us via email or phone to make an appointment with Clive or to find out how he may be able to help. Whether you want to talk through individual appointments, team/squad consults or workshop and presentation ideas, your enquiries are always welcome and your confidentiality is always respected.

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    Life Coaching in Corporate Leadership & Executive Management

    Clive is passionate about applying High Performance Psychology to the mentoring of corporate leaders & executive managers to ignite motivation, commitment and a collaborative team spirit in the pursuit of high performance goals.

    By applying the best methods of approach in the psychology of elite world-class performance into the competitive world of business, entertainment & the arts, medicine or any other field that demands optimum performance, Clive helps corporate leaders bring out the best in both themselves and their team in a way that is personally fulfilling, constructive and enjoyable for both themselves, their family and their work colleagues around them.

    Find out more about Sport & Exercise Psychologists

  • Counselling Psychology Counselling Psychology

    Clive has a key focus on Mental Health Assessment & Treatment, taking on complex cases across a broad range of issues and concerns.

    As a counselling psychologist, Clive applies the process of psychological therapy in the prevention, assessment and treatment of mental health disorders and concerns. He utilises a wide variety of evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches to ensure your specific needs and circumstances are addressed effectively.

    He aims to offer a safe space for individuals to explore and work through their emotional challenges. With his expertise in various therapeutic techniques, Clive tailors his approach to meet the unique needs of each client. His compassionate and nonjudgmental demeanour fosters a trusting therapeutic relationship, allowing clients to feel supported as they navigate through personal issues and concerns.

    Based at his Bundall Practice on the Gold Coast, Australia, Clive works with adults, and adolescents, either individually, with couples or whole families. This will depend on the concerns being addressed at the time when determining the best approach to take in consultation with you, your concerns and personal preference.

    It is the area of mental health assessment and treatment that continues to be a primary area of focus and commitment for Clive in his private practice and in his university teaching and related academic pursuits. Make an appointment today.

    Clive receives regular mental health referrals from Medical Practices, Psychiatrists, Paediatricians, Psychiatric Wards, WorkCover, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), Probation & Parole, Schools, Universities, Child Care Centres, Community Organisations, and the Elite Sporting Community.

    Apart from his long-term private practice commitments, Clive also served 10 years as executive director, principal supervisor, and founder of a consortium of NGO mental health services where he supervised a team of psychologists, social workers, and counsellors on a weekly basis while maintaining his own caseload. While working intense mental health cases, Clive also has a specialist interest in sport psychology since 1994 and is currently a preferred sport psychology provider with the Queensland Academy of Sport in Australia.

    Clive is available for appointments either via Skype or face-to-face consultation both locally and internationally. Please feel free to Contact us via email or phone to make an appointment with Clive or to find out how he may be able to help. Whether you are wanting to talk through individual appointments or appointments with your partner or child, your enquiries are always welcome and your confidentiality is always respected.

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    Find out more about Counselling Psychologists

  • Professional Development, Teaching & Lecturing Professional Development, Teaching & Lecturing

    Clive offers professional development across a range of areas in psychology for Psychologists, Counsellors, Social Workers, Mental Health Nurses, Physiotherapists, General Medical Practitioners, Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Sporting Teams, Athletes and Corporate Industry.

    Clive has had an extensive range of seminars, workshops, and presentations in psychology (available both online and on location) peer reviewed and endorsed by a number of professional bodies and conference committees as ongoing professional development for health and allied health professionals.

    This includes, for example:

    • the Australian Psychological Society (APS)
    • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
    • Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
    • General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC)
    • International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
    • Sports Management Association of Australia & New Zealand (SMAAZ)
    • Asian Pacific Professional Counselling Association (APPCA)
    • Asian Pacific Rim Confederation of Counsellors (APRCC)
    • New Zealand Association of Counselling (NZAC)
    • Sports Medicine Australia (SMA)
    • Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)
    • Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
    • APS Psychology Education Interest Group
    • APS Personality & Individual Differences Interest Group
    • APS College of Counselling Psychologists
    • APS College of Sport & Exercise Psychologists

    Based at his Bundall Practice on the Gold Coast, Clive presents nationally and internationally.

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    Clive is committed to helping ensure psychology training and related Professional Development for health and allied health professionals is of a standard and quality that enhances professional expertise in both current and future practitioners.

    Based on the Gold Coast at his Bundall Practice, Clive has held ongoing academic appointments teaching undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in psychology and psychotherapy since 2003, which has also included supervising numerous research theses at the graduate and postgraduate levels across honours, master and doctoral degrees.

    Throughout this time, Clive has written and taught numerous undergraduate and postgraduate subjects in psychology and psychotherapy. These subjects include (but are not limited to) abnormal psychology, counselling & mental health, counselling psychology, advanced counselling psychology, the psychotherapeutic relationship, cross-cultural psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology & counselling, personality & individual difference, psychology of high performance, psychology of sport & exercise, social psychology, communication, leadership & negotiation, communication for optimum patient care, psychology of injury & rehabilitation, the psychology of motivation & compliance to treatment, and teaching to difference.

    Clive has also contributed to the development of a Master of High-Performance Science and Doctorate of Physiotherapy Program through Bond University focusing specifically on the psychological components of each program and has included academic positions of Adjunct Asst Professor (2006-2017) through the Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine at Bond University on the Gold Coast, Australia and founding Head of School for the Australian Institute of Psychology where he played a key role in the setup and accreditation of a new school of psychology and bachelor of psychological science degree.

  • Qualifications Qualifications
    Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) Psychology

    The University of Southern Queensland; Toowoomba, Australia.
    Thesis Title: The Athlete & Stress. A revised model within the concept adaptation failure (overtraining).

    Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies (GradDipPsychSt)

    The University of Southern Queensland; Toowoomba, Australia.

    Master of Educational Studies (MEdSt)

    The University of New England; Armidale, Australia.
    Thesis Focus: Case study on high performance goals, burnout and family dynamics

    Bachelor of Education: Physical Education (BEd-PhysEd)

    The University of Newcastle; Newcastle, Australia
    Thesis Title: Self Concept & Cardiorespiratory Endurance.

    Diploma of Teaching: Physical Education & Advanced Coaching (DipT)

    The Australian College of Physical Education; Sydney, Australia.

    Diploma of Counselling (DipCouns)

    The Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors; Brisbane, Australia.

    Diploma of Life Coaching (DipLifeCoach)

    The Life Coaching Institute of Australia; Brisbane, Australia

  • Publications & Presentations Publications & Presentations

    Below is an overview of Clive's academic activity across publications and presentations through academic journals, book chapters, magazines and national/international conferences. 

    You can also follow this Google Scholar link to review Clive's academic citation index. 

    1. Jones, C. M. (2019, September). Autonomy supportive care: Stepping into the world of the adolescent. Keynote address presented at the Biennial State-wide School Based Youth Health Nurse Conference: Reflecting on the Past - Imagining the Future, Brisbane, Australia.
    2. Jones, C. M. (2018). Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotion and conduct. In L. Burton & N. Pelling (Ed.), The Elements of Psychological Case Report Writing in Australia. Taylor and Francis/Routledge
    3. Jones, C. M. (2017). The Psychology of Injury: Psychosocial Considerations of Injury Rehabilitation. Accredited Professional Development for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), The Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM), and the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC).
    4. Jones, C. M. (2017, December). Optimum Performance & Team Dynamics: Preparing your squad for Commonwealth Games trials. Key note address for high performance swimming coaches. Gold Coast, Australia.
    5. Jones, C. M. (2017, August). Men’s mental health: Dealing with your emotions to enhance performance at work. Key note address for internationally based executive managers. Brisbane, Australia.
    6. Jones, C. M. (2017, April). High performance mind-check. Key note address for elite Olympic & internationally competitive swimmers. Gold Coast, Australia.
    7. Hicks, R. E., Alexander, V., & Jones, C. M. (2016). Counselling and Psychotherapy Orientations in Australia: Responses from 24 Australian Psychotherapists. Psychology, 7, 1146-1153. 
    8. Hicks, R. E., Jones, C. M., & Alexander, V. (2015, February). Workplace stress, personality, personal resources and mindfulness practices of 21 Australian based counsellors. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society’s College of Counselling Psychologists National Conference: Experts in Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia.
    9. Jones, C. M. (2014, July). Dissociative Identity Disorder: A case analysis of symptoms and related treatment goals. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris, France.
    10. Jones, C. M. (2014, July). Beyond the Boulder model: realigning our sights on the undergraduate psychology years. Paper presented as part of a symposium titled: Integrating pre-professional and employability skills into undergraduate curricula, at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris, France.
    11. Jones, C. M. (2013, May). Instructors with an edge. Paper presented at the Australian Parachute Federation National Technical Conference 'Leading from the Top'. Gold Coast, Australia.
    12. Jones, C. M. (2013, May). Keys to effective instruction. Workshop presented at the Australian Parachute Federation National Technical Conference 'Leading from the Top'. Gold Coast, Australia.
    13. Jones, C. M. (2013, May). The psychology of medicine: Mental health skills training for general practice. Pre-conference workshop of the 56th Clinical Update Weekend for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), Brisbane, Australia.
    14. Jones, C. M. (2012, May). Getting into the zone: Keeping your cool in the heat of the moment. Paper presented at the Australian Parachute Federation Annual Conference. Gold Coast, Australia.
    15. Jones, C. M. (2012, May). High performance mindsets and attitudes. Workshop conducted at the Australian Parachute Federation Annual Conference. Gold Coast, Australia
    16. Jones, C. M. (2011, November). What makes counselling work? An investigation into factors that contribute to the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic treatment processes in Australia. Paper presented at The Australian Counselling Association’s National Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
    17. Hicks, R., & Jones, C. M. (2011, November). Counsellor burnout, occupational stress and coping resources: A study of Australian counsellors, using the OSI-R and the CBI. Paper presented at The Australian Counselling Association’s National Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
    18. Jones, C. M. (2011, October). Elite athletes need social supports beyond the sporting community. Paper presented at the 46th Australian Psychological Society’s Annual Conference, Canberra, Australia.
    19. Jones, C. M. (2011, October). From Novice to Expert: Building the foundations of a practice based schema in undergraduate psychology students. Paper presented as part of a symposium titled: Assessing and developing the practitioner and industry capabilities of psychology students throughout the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, at the 46th Australian Psychological Society’s Annual Conference, Canberra, Australia.
    20. Jones, C. M. (2011, July). Dissociative Identity Disorder: Gaining further clarity and insight into the condition through a comprehensive case analysis. Paper presented at the 2nd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling Conference, Hong Kong.
    21. Jones, C. M. (2011, June). Dissociative Identity Disorder: The hidden world of the client. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society’s College of Counselling Psychologist’s (Qld Section) Annual General Meeting, Brisbane, Australia.
    22. Jones, C. M. (2010, December). An integrative view of personality for psychotherapeutic practice. Paper presented at the Annual Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Difference, Wollongong, Australia.
    23. Jones, C. M. (2010). From Novice to Expert: Building professional acumen through tertiary education programs. In A. L. Kenworthy (Eds.), Preparing Students for their Professions through Hands-On Engagement and Experience: Model Projects and Programs in Tertiary Education (p. 14, 30-40). Braddon, ACT: Halstead Press.
    24. Jones, C. M. (2010, October).Sport’s Counselling: Bringing social and emotional factors into the mix of elite sporting performance, healthy athletic development and the individual athlete’s wellbeing. Paper presented at the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the New Zealand Association of Counselling Combined Annual Conference, Auckland, NZ.
    25. Jones, C. M. (2010, October). An integrative view on psychotherapy. Key note address presented at the AICA Inaugural Counselling Showcase Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
    26. Jones, C. M. (2009). Footballers and fortitude: Why icons of the game can ‘lose it’. Sport Health, 26(4), 17-19.
    27. Jones, C. M. (2009, November). Managing mayhem: Psychological considerations in curbing poor behaviour in sporting teams and squads. Paper presented at theManagement Association of Australia & New Zealand (SMAANZ) Conference on Facilitating Sustainable Sports Management Practices. Gold Coast, Australia.
    28. Jones, C. M. (2009, October). Footballers & fortitude: Why icons of the game can ‘lose it’. Poster Presented at the Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport; 8th National Physical Activity Conference and the 7th National Sports Injury Prevention Conference. Brisbane, Australia.
    29. Jones, C. M. (2009, February). A collaborative competency based approach to treating heroin addiction. Paper presented at the 2009 Australian Counselling Association, Counselling Academy & Kid’s Help Line online Mental Health Summit, Australia.
    30. Jones, C. M., & Tenenbaum, G. (2009). Adjustment Disorder: A new way of conceptualising the overtraining syndrome. International Review of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2(2), 181-197.
    31. Jones, C. M. (2009). The football hero: Factors that undermine gallantry [Abstract]. Journal of Science & Medicine in Sport, 12(6), 98.
    32. Jones, C. M. (2008). From novice to expert: Issues of concern in the training of psychologists, Australian Psychologist, 43(1), 38-54.
    33. Jones, C. M. (2008, March). Gestalt Therapy. Paper presented to Counsellor Educators; the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors; Brisbane, Australia.
    34. Jones, C. M. (2007). Adjustment Disorder: A new way of looking at the overtraining syndrome [Abstract]. Journal of Science & Medicine in Sport, 10(1), 79.
    35. Jones, C. M. (2007). Positive mental health for peak performance. Modern Athlete & Coach, 45(2), 17-19.
    36. Jones, C. M. (2007, October). Adjustment Disorder: A new way of looking at the overtraining syndrome. Poster presented at the Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport; 6th National Physical Activity Conference and 5th National Sports Injury Prevention Conference. Adelaide, Australia.
    37. Jones, C. M. (2006, October). The role and benefits of perceptual motor skill training for the preschool child. Paper presented at a preschool teacher in-service, Gold Coast, Australia.
    38. Jones, C. M. (2006, September). Taking the path to glory or the road to ruin. Paper presented at the Bond University stronger, faster, safer conference for sport coaches & physical education teachers; Gold Coast, Australia.
    39. Jones, C. M. (2005, June). Facilitating healthy attachments within the preschool child. Paper presented at a preschool teacher in-service; Gold Coast, Australia.
    40. Jones, C. M., & Casey, F. (2004, April). Preliminary findings of an arts therapy program. Paper presented at the 2004 Independent Schools of Australia Conference, Courage to Lead; Brisbane, Australia.
    41. Tenenbaum, G., Jones, C. M., Kistantas, A., Sacks, D., & Berwick, J. (2003). Failure adaptation: Conceptualisation of the stress response process in sport.International Journal of Sport Psychology, 34(1), 1-26.
    42. Tenenbaum, G., Jones, C. M., & Kistantas, A., Sacks, D., & Berwick, J. (2003). Failure adaptation: An investigation of the stress response process in sport. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 34(1), 27-62.
    43. Jones, C. M. (2003, August). Trauma and the mind. Paper presented at a clinical practice in-service for psychologists, social workers and counsellors; Gold Coast, Australia.

    Edited Articles

    1. Jones, C. M. (2009). Learning is a life long journey. The Professional Counsellor, 2, 21.
    2. Jones, C. M. (2009). A proposal to improve primary mental health care in Australia. The Professional Counsellor, 2, 9-12.
    3. Jones. C. M. (2009). Acknowledging the validity of practice experience. PSI Counselling News; Newsletter of the APS College of Counselling Psychologists, 8(2), 6.
    4. Jones, C. M. (2008). Hints and tips: Reflections on reflective practice. The Professional Counsellor, 4, 22-23.
    5. Jones, C. M. (2008). Hints and tips: Learning tips for student counsellors. The Professional Counsellor, 3, 24.
    6. Jones, C. M. (2007). Counselling dilemma: Counsellors comment on ethical issues. Professional Counsellor, 4, 13-14.
    7. Jones, C. M. (2000). What's on your mind? Bicycling Australia, 11(6), 96.
    8. Jones, C. M. (1999). Stay motivated, Bicycling Australia, 10(4), 56, 58.
    9. Jones, C. M. (1996). Symptoms of overtraining. Bicycling Australia, 7(4), 58-59.
    10. Jones, C. M. (1996). Are you overtraining? Bicycling Australia, 7(2), 51.
    11. Jones, C. M. (1995). Recovery: But how much? Bicycling Australia, 6(10), 38-40.
    12. Jones, C. M. (1995). Overload, Bicycling Australia, 6(8), 48, 50, 51.
    13. Jones, C. M. (1995). Overload training, Bicycling Australia, 6(7), 35-36, 38.
    14. Jones, C. M. (1995). Train for your specific needs, Bicycling Australia, 6(5), 56, 58.
    15. Jones, C. M. (1995). Individuality: finding the formula that will equal success, Bicycling Australia, 6(1), 49-50, 52.
    16. Jones, C. M. (1994). Focus on a winning edge, Bicycling Australia, 5(10), 68-70.
    17. Jones, C. M. (1994). Balancing your life, Bicycling Australia, 5(4), 46-48.

    Other Presentations, Workshops & Seminars

    Other Presentations, Workshops & Seminars endorsed as CPD by either/or the Australian Psychological Society (APS), the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), the Australian Counselling Association, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), The General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) and the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM).

    1. Jones, C. M. (2016) Psychology of Injury: Psychosocial Considerations of Injury Rehabilitation. Professional Development Workshop for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) and the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
    2. Jones, C. M. (2011-2016) Mental health skills training for general practice. Professional Development Workshops for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) and the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
    3. Jones, C. M. (2012). Communication & the counselling interview. Professional Development Seminar presented through the Mental Health Academy online Professional Development Portal, Australia.
    4. Jones, C. M. (2012). Counselling & the Counselling Process. Professional Development Seminar presented through the Mental Health Academy online Professional Development Portal, Australia.
    5. Jones, C. M. (2012). Learning theories and counselling practice. Professional Development Seminar presented through the Mental Health Academy online Professional Development Portal, Australia.
    6. Jones, C. M. (2012). The counselling relationship. Professional Development Seminar presented through the Mental Health Academy online Professional Development Portal, Australia.
    7. Jones, C. M. (2010, March-December). Interpersonal considerations in personality and anxiety: Counselling methods and role-plays. Professional Development Seminar presented through the Mental Health Academy online Professional Development Portal, Australia.
    8. Jones, C. M. (2010, February-December). Interpersonal considerations in personality and anxiety: Erikson’s developmental stages, attachment theory and Adler. Professional Development Seminar presented through the Mental Health Academy online Professional Development Portal, Australia.
    9. Jones, C. M. (2010, January-December). An integrative approach to anxiety. Professional Development Seminar presented through the Mental Health Academy online Professional Development Portal, Australia.

    Radio & TV

    A small example of Radio & TV Interviews (this list does not include interviews for newspapers and magazines)

    1. Jones, C. M. (2018). Elite athletes with a history of abuse at greater risk of injury. Interview on Ten News [Television Broadcast] (Sept).
    2. Jones, C. M. (2018). Athletes struggle after high of Commonwealth Games as they get back to day-to-day routines. Interview ABC National News Drive Radio. (May)
    3. Jones, C. M. (2017). Life after sport for professional athletes. Interview 2SER Radio, Sydney. (June).
    4. Jones, C. M. (2016). The psychology of winning and losing. Interview ABC Satewide Drive Radio, NSW. (Oct)
    5. Jones, C. M. (2016). Employing mental health strategies for retired athletes: In light of retired olympic swimmer Grant Hackett, Interview on Nine Gold Coast Evening News Report [Television Broadcast] (April).
    6. Jones, C. M. (2015). Children of a terrorist: Potential impact of intentional exposure to their father's severe and extreme terrorist behaviour. Interview 2UE Evening Radio, Sydney. (May)
    7. Jones, C. M. (2014). Biting at the FIFA World Cup. What makes a player do it? Interview ABC Radio Drive time, Newcastle. (June)
    8. Jones, C. M. (2014). How athletes deal with the highs and lows of training, competition and retirement. Interview 2SER Morning Radio, Sydney. (Feb)
    9. Jones, C. M. (2014). Aggressive and hostile behaviour in the community: Causes & treatment efficacy. Interview 2UE Morning Radio, Sydney. (Feb)
    10. Jones, C. M. (2013). Performance enhancing drugs: Motivations & mindsets. Interview ABC Radio Drive time Adelaide. (Jan)
    11. Jones, C. M. (2012). The psychology of deliberate loss: Motivations and methods of detection. Interview ABC Radio Drive time Gold Coast (Aug)
    12. Jones, C. M. (2012). Sport psychology and the olympic games: Coping with critical media coverage. Interview ABC Radio Drive time Perth, Newcastle, Canberra & Gold Coast (Aug)
    13. Jones, C. M. (2012). The psychology of defeat. Coping as a 'die hard' State of origin Blue's supporter after 7 state of origin series losses. Interview ABC Radio Drive Time Newcastle (July)
    14. Jones, C. M. (2010). Poor behaviour in elite sport. Interviews ABC Radio (Sept & Nov)
    15. Jones, C. M. (2009). Considering the mental impact of the third umpire in test cricket. Interview QUT Student Radio (May).
    16. Jones, C. M. (2009). Poor behaviour in the football codes: Psychological underpinnings. Interview QUT Student Radio (May).
    17. Jones, C. M. (2009). The psychology of a home ground advantage. Interview on National ABC Radio Overnight (Jan).
    18. Jones, C. M. (2008). Burnout in sport and everyday life. Interview on 5AA Radio Adelaide (Feb).
    19. Jones, C. M. (2007). Sport Psychology in everyday life. Interview on ABC National Radio (Aug).
    20. Jones, C. M. (2007). Pros and cons of parents coaching their own children and the precautions they should take. In light of the fight between a Ukrainian swim coach and his daughter at the 2007 FINA swimming world championships. Interview on ABC Southern Queensland Radio (Mar).
    21. Jones, C. M. (1998). Employing Mental Health strategies with the Gold Coast Chargers Rugby League Team, Interview on Nine Gold Coast Evening News Report [Television Broadcast].

    Previous Journal Services

    1. Associate Editor – The Australian Journal of Counselling Psychology
    2. Reviewer – Journal of Health Psychology
    3. Reviewer – Anxiety, Stress & Coping
    4. Reviewer – Australian Psychologist
    5. Reviewer – Australian Journal of Psychology
  • Memberships & Registrations Memberships & Registrations


    1. Registered Psychologist - Psychology Board of Australia
    2. Endorsed Counselling Psychologist - Psychology Board of Australia
    3. Endorsed Sport & Exercise Psychologist - Psychology Board of Australia
    4. Member - Australian Psychological Society (APS)
    5. Fellow - APS College of Counselling Psychologists
    6. Fellow - APS College of Sport & Exercise Psychologists
    7. Life Member - Australian Association of Psychologists
    8. Member - International Association of Applied Psychology
    9. Member - World Network of Family & Systemic Therapies
    10. Member - Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology
    11. Member - Queensland Academy of Sport, Sport Psychology Provider Network
    12. Registered Teacher - Queensland College of Teachers
    13. Member - Positive Education Schools Association


    1. Head of School (inaugural) - School of Psychology, Australian Institute of Psychology, Brisbane, Australia
    2. Head of School (inaugural) - School of Higher Education, Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors, Brisbane Australia
    3. Asst. Professor Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Gold Coast Australia
    4. Lecturer of Psychology - School of Psychology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia
    5. Lecturer of Psychology - School of Education & Professional Studies, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia
    6. Member - Sports Medicine Australia
    7. Chair (Qld Section) - The Australian Psychological Society's College of Counselling Psychologists
    8. Chair (National) - Training Standards The Australian Counselling Association
    9. Founder/Principal Supervisor Compassion Services Ltd, Compassion Connection & Compassion 4 Kids
    10. Academic Reviewer - Australian Journal of Psychology
    11. Academic Reviewer - Australian Psychologist
    12. Academic Reviewer - Anxiety, Stress & Coping
    13. Academic Reviewer - Journal of Health Psychology